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№ 4/2019

№ 4/2019

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2019 (4): 5–19


PAVLIUK Klavdiia 1

1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9495-6630

Problems of evaluation of scientific activity

In the modern world, the assessment of the quality of scientific research is an important component of state financing, management, and the development of state policy in the field of scientific activity. To manage growing volumes with the changing dynamics of the scientific sector, agencies and policy-sponsors of science use different assessments in accordance with their specific needs. The synthesis of financing systems based on research findings in Europe reflects the use of valuation as part of results-based management. To manage growing volumes with changing dynamics of the scientific sector in foreign countries, various estimates are used in accordance with specific needs. The issues of the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the scientific activity of institutions and scientists are also important for Ukraine since the evaluation of scientific activity is only the beginning, and the processes of European integration require the active application of foreign experience in this area. The features of the evaluation of scientific activity, the complexity of which lies in its very nature, are disclosed. The strategic goals of the system of assessment of scientific activity, the main tasks in achieving these goals are considered. Quantitative and qualitative methods of assessment in the system of science are disclosed. Well-known international as well as national scientometric databases are considered, their characteristics are presented. The trend of a combination of scientometric and expert methods for assessing scientific activity is traced. The issues of using the assessment to create additional incentives for scientific institutions and scientists, including government support programs to increase publication activity, are described in detail, accompanied by the intensification of monitoring aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of these programs, stimulating the publication activity of scientists. A range of proposals is developed to improve approaches to the assessment of scientific institutions and scientists in Ukraine.

Keywords:science management, financing, assessment methods, scientometric bases, assessment quality, incentives

PAVLIUK K. . Problems of evaluation of scientific activity / K. . PAVLIUK // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2019. - № 4. - C. 5-19.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 5 - 19) DownloadDownloads :293
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