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№ 2/2018
2. Mіshhenko, V. І., Naumenkova, S. V. (2016). The use of derivative financial instruments in the practice of Ukrainian banks. In Modern Transformation of Economics and Management in the Era of Globalization (pp. 283–286). Klaipeda: Baltija Publishing [in Ukrainian]. 3. Naumenkova, S. V., Mіshhenko, V. І. (2010). Currency and currency policy. Ky`yiv: Znannya [in Ukrainian]. 4. Mіshhenko, V. І., Naumenkova, S. V. (1998). Organization of the futures currency market. Finance of Ukraine, 10, 60–69 [in Ukrainian]. 5. Naumenkova, S. V., Mіshhenko, V. І. (2013). Regulation of monetary circulation based on the use of methods and instruments of monetary policy. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 147, 66–72 [in Russian]. 6. Mіshhenko, S. V., Mіshhenko, V. І. (2016). Regulation of the derivatives market in Ukraine. Bulletin of Odesa National University, Vol. 21, No. 5 (47), 186–190 [in Ukrainian]. 7. Prikhod`ko, B. V., Sorkin, I. V. (2014). Transformation of the role and functions of central banks in the post-crisis period. Economics and banks, 1, 7–15 [in Russian]. 8. Mіshhenko, S. V. (2010). The problems of appraising the influence of stable functioning of monetary and credit sphere on the country’s economic security. Finance of Ukraine, 7, 35–49 [in Ukrainian]. 9. Mіshhenko, S. V. (2009). The problems of realization of monetary policy in conditions of structural imbalances (on an example of Iceland). Bulletin of National Bank of Ukraine, 3, 22–26 [in Ukrainian]. 10. Mіshhenko, V. І., Nіdzel`s`ka, І. A., Kulіnec`, A. P. & Shul`ha, S. O. (2010). Flexible exchange rate regime: implementation stages and possible implications for Ukraine’s economic development. Ky`yiv: NBU CND [in Ukrainian]. 11. Naumenkova, S. V., Mishhenko, V. I. (2013). Effect of the stability of monetary circulation on economic growth. Proceedings of the St. Petersburg State Economic University, 3, 14–23 [in Russian]. |