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№ 1/2018

№ 1/2018

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2018 (1): 119–130



1SSI “Institute of Educatinal Analytics”
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9458-2843
2Project “Gender Budgeting in Ukraine”

Development of gender-oriented budgeting in the field of Ukraine’s education

The article deals with the problems of ensuring effective budgeting in the field of education, taking into account the gender aspect. Aspects of gender equality play a special role in results-based budgeting and in the effective management of public finances. It is in the context of limited budget resources that is extremely important to increase the efficiency of planning and spending of budget funds, and the means for effective solution of this task is gender-oriented budgeting, that is budgeting oriented on different needs of recipients of public services. The article analyzes budgetary programs financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of higher educational institutions of the I-II levels of accreditation. The analysis makes it possible for the authors to formulate recommendations on gender equality in data collection and analysis: to improve the collection of statistics on the training of women and men in these institutions by age and place of residence; to analyze the needs of the labor market for specialists trained by these educational institutions in order to predict further training of women and men; to analyze the situation of women and men among school staff to find out why there are few women among executives; to review the data on salaries of employees in different fields of knowledge; to involve employers in conducting a job survey, etc. Also, the following proposals for the provision of educational services are formulated: to review the activities of higher educational institutions of the I-II levels of accreditation according to the branches of knowledge in order to ensure equality of access to educational services by women and men in different specialties; to review the situation of women and men in obtaining educational services in \"male\" and \"female\" activities in order to expand their capacities; to ensure that women and men from cities and rural areas have the same chances to receive services in all areas of the activity of educational institutions.

Keywords:budget, budgeting, gender, gender-oriented budgeting, education, universities

JEL: Н52, І22, І23, І25, І28

Tereshchenko H. . Development of gender-oriented budgeting in the field of Ukraine’s education / H. . Tereshchenko, O. Chernyuk // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2018. - № 1. - C. 119-130.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 119 - 130) DownloadDownloads :929
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