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№ 4/2015

№ 4/2015

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2015 (4): 5–18


BOHDAN Ivan 1, IHOLKIN Ihor , YARA Tetiana 2

1National Bank of Ukraine
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1752-0198
2SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8242-1479

Medium-term budget forecasting as a part of the fiscal relations transparency

The role and place of the medium-term budget forecasting in public finance system are considered in the context of an overall architecture of the fiscal relations system. The goal of the article is to define the directions of development of the medium-term budget forecasting in Ukraine which are associated with the implementation of international “best practices” and standards of the fiscal transparency in the sphere of public finance. Contemporary problems of the fiscal transparency standards at the present stage of world development are formulated. The core criteria and components of the fiscal transparency are identified and analysed being divided into three main tiers: budget reporting, budget forecasts and assessment of fiscal risks. The indicators that show the degree of transparency of fiscal forecasting at different stages of the forecasts’ preparation are devised. On the basis of international experience, the main issues to be regulated by national legislation are revealed, that are related to implementation of the medium-term budget forecasting and planning. Special attention is paid to the reform package aimed at implementation of the medium-term budget forecasting in Ukraine, which relies on the rules of international best practices, one of which is the IMF’s Fiscal Transparency Code. It is proposed to complement the Strategy for development of the public finance mana­gement system in Ukraine by the issues of comprehensiveness of the fiscal forecasting and budget process, the orderliness of the tax and budget forecasting; ensuring
the coherence and sequencing of the fiscal policy and enhancing the reliability of the fiscal forecasts.

Keywords:medium-term budget forecasting, strategic planning, fiscal policy, transparency, IMF.

JEL: E62, G31, H68, O23.

BOHDAN I. . Medium-term budget forecasting as a part of the fiscal relations transparency / I. . BOHDAN, I. . IHOLKIN, T. Yara // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2015. - № 4. - C. 5-18.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 5 - 18) DownloadDownloads :480
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