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№ 3/2017

№ 3/2017

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2017 (3): 97–110



1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
2SESE “Academy of Financial Management”

Development of organizational and methodological support for investment promotion in Ukraine

The study justifies the urgency of a focus on improving strategic planning based on the use of foreign and domestic investment expenditure budgeting practices and the comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of itemized and program-targeted budget planning. For the full transition to the program-target method of budgeting, it is proposed to improve the existing framework programs, practices calculating costs based on the analysis of expediency of expenses, and the performance reporting system. While ensuring coordination, coherence of directions and funding levels when planning investment budget programming, project financing for the development of state target programs will be the basis for the use of the program-target method of budget planning. To the current practice of budget investment, it is proposed to introduce measures to revitalize activities: to reduce the share of public funds in financing to attract larger investments and private funds, to coordinate and harmonize the actions of government entities, to legislatively grant the right of the acquirer of assets or their part from the implementation of target programs only to the state, to move away from the dispersal of resources, to specify the number of state programs with a number of priorities, to plan performance development in accordance with crisis dynamics, to address the problem of responsibility for the implementation of programs at the legislative level, to link the choice of development priorities to the current benefits of the domestic economy, etc. The proposed means of state influence on investment activity will ensure the improvement of budget planning, increase efficiency and targeted use of funds, the iterative nature of the annual and medium-term plans with agreed volumes of financing for the implementation of priorities of social and economic development of Ukraine.

Keywords:investment and innovation activities, budget and state target programs, project financing, development priorities, budgetary planning.

JEL: Н61, Н68.

DYACHENKO I. . Development of organizational and methodological support for investment promotion in Ukraine / I. . DYACHENKO, I. . Kolosov // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2017. - № 3. - C. 97-110.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 97 - 110) DownloadDownloads :741
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