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№ 3/2015

№ 3/2015

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2015 (3): 119–132


KAPLENKO Oksana 1, SEVERINA Khrystyna 2

1 Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
2SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”

Regulation of monetary relations through the debt securities of supranational institutions

The article is devoted to the issue of regulation of monetary relations through the debt securities of international financial organizations. It is emphasized that monetary relations are an important component of the global economy. It should be considered the processes of globalization within the development of open Ukrainian economy, as the third of the gross domestic product of the state is realized by means of foreign economic relations. Globalization enhances mutual interdependence of international economic relations, increases international flows of capital, goods and services between countries. Ukraine is directly involved in activities of the leading international monetary and financial organizations. Supranational institutions play a significant role in regulation of the monetary relations, with an aim to solve the financial problems of individual countries. Based on conducted research a number of conclusions is made, namely: debt securities as a funding tool become more and more popular from year to year; increased activity of international financial institutions as issuers of the securities market takes place in periods of instability; an important step for international financial institutions is the issue of specific debt securities – “green“ bonds, that include raising funds to finance ecology projects, which will have positive consequences for the environment.

Keywords:monetary relations, securities, debt securities, bonds, international financial institutions, supranational institutions.

JEL: F33, F34, F53, G11.

Kaplenko O. . Regulation of monetary relations through the debt securities of supranational institutions / O. . Kaplenko, K. Severina // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2015. - № 3. - C. 119-132.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 119 - 132) DownloadDownloads :395
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