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№ 1/2015

№ 1/2015

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2015 (1): 16–25



1 Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3827-080X

The nature, role and priorities of the government financial policy in the area of investment activity regulation in Ukraine

The paper outlines the nature and role of the government financial policy in the area of investment activity regulation. It includes the analysis of “financial policy” definitions currently used in domestic and foreign economic literature and proposes to introduce the notion of the “government financial policy of investment activity regulation” defining it as a set of actions undertaken by the state to encourage capital investment by the businesses, with due regard for the public significance, economic expediency, risk, and timeframe thereof. The mechanism of the government financial policy of comprehensive regulation of all issues of investment activity has been also considered. Main peculiarity of the aforesaid mechanism lies in the combined application of direct and indirect measures of influence by the state. Each mechanism has a system of components, instruments and leverages of the government financial policy which, when used together, help to meet the assigned tasks of the investment activity regulation and achieve a goal thereof. At the same time, it is proposed to focus the government investment activity regulation policy on two directions: system of direct and indirect government regulation. The idea is to use two criteria to determine the components of the aforesaid systems: direct participation of the state in investment activity and a time lag between the implementation of the certain strand of the government financial policy and making investment in the country. Direct influence on the investment activity is exercised through the government credit policy, policy of government participation in the charter capital of the business entities and public and private partnership (PPP), while indirect influence is exercised via the tax and budget policies.

Keywords:public finance policy, investment activity, investments, taxes, expenses, fiscal policy, public loan, public and private partnership.

JEL: E22, G11.

Ozerchuk O. . The nature, role and priorities of the government financial policy in the area of investment activity regulation in Ukraine / O. Ozerchuk // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2015. - № 1. - C. 16-25.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 16 - 25) DownloadDownloads :157
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