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№ 4/2019

№ 4/2019

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2019 (4): 141–155


UKHNAL Nataliia 1, ALEKSEIENKO Nataliia 2

1SESE "Academy of Financial Management"
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8562-9355
2SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6497-6526

National industry competitiveness and security of global financial and economic system development

The industrialization trends of the 21st century determine the current approaches and policy tools for implementating global industrial development, new strategies for forming favorable business environment, improving the investment climate, and diversifying the economy through partnerships. In the conditions of external techno-innovation changes of post-industrial society and internal destructive tendencies, there is a need for the development of the conceptual framework and measures of modernization of Ukraine’s economy based on the intensification of international scientific and technological cooperation through strengthening the government economic policy to achieve an optimal level of internal stability, high competitiveness and at the same time guarantee its national sovereignty. The purpose of the article is to identify the problematic aspects of the industrial sector development of Ukraine and the prospective tasks of improving national competitiveness in the context of the socially-oriented governance and breakthrough economic growth of the country. The article describes the trends and factors contributing to the development of the world industrial production market. The economic activity of Ukraine, dominated by resource-intensive industries of third and fourth technological paradigms with a low level of innovative activity, is estimated. Problems and prospects for the development of the industrial complex of Ukraine are identified. It is substantiated that the achievement of high technological competitiveness of the country and the formation of a fundamentally new mechanism of economic growth should be based on knowledge, human and intellectual capital, and advanced technologies. It is determined that intergovernmental donor financial support, in particular the UNIDO’s activities, promotes industrial development and accelerates industrialization of developing countries by mobilizing national and international resources.

Keywords:conomy, industry, competitiveness, securing development, international financial resources, UNIDO, industrialization

JEL: F35, F43, L60, O14

Ukhnal N. . National industry competitiveness and security of global financial and economic system development / N. Ukhnal, N. Alekseienko // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2019. - № 4. - C. 141-155.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 141 - 155) DownloadDownloads :221
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