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№ 4/2019

№ 4/2019

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2019 (4): 20–34



1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5859-5623

State stimulation of the quality level of research work

The article addresses the issue of state stimulation of research work. It is stated that stimulating science development is to undertake activities related to the satisfaction of the economic and social interests of organizations, enterprises and individual scientists who carry out basic and applied research and develop new highly efficient technique. Carrying out research is defined as creative and systematic work that is done to increase knowledge. State promotion of the qualitative level of the research results is carried out by direct and indirect methods. The key state instrument for supporting the activities of the public science sector, universities, regulating the development of science priority areas, technology and technology is budgetary funding of science. This method uses most middle- and low-income countries as the cheapest form of money allocation, which improves the institutional planning and management of research. Stimulating research is focused on increasing the efficiency of the scientific and innovation space, expanding the vertical and horizontal coordination of innovation policy and strengthening its regional level, redistribution of financial flows to create research infrastructure, human capital development and liberalization of the labor market to prevent the outflow commercialization of the research results and technological development, expansion of market demand for scientific development, strengthening of communication between academic science and production. Features of the state policy of stimulating science are related to the implementation of specific measures aimed at accelerating innovation development (various benefits, financial support, measures to improve the interaction of science and business), as well as the division of the role of the state and the private sector in these processes.

Keywords:science, stimulation, scientific research financing, quality of research

JEL: I21, I28

Kaminska O. . State stimulation of the quality level of research work / O. Kaminska // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2019. - № 4. - C. 20-34.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 20 - 34) DownloadDownloads :313
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