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№ 3/2018

№ 3/2018

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2018 (3): 80–91



Problems of public presentation of information on approved local budgets

One of the main principles of budget system of Ukraine is publicity and transparency. The importance of this principle implementation is envisaged by the Public Finance Management System Reformation Strategy 2017-2020. However, there are no common approaches to the composition, content and filling of electronic resources of local authorities on local budgets provided in a way understandable for local society actors. he entire list of regulatory documents that provide the budget process at the local level should be grouped into a single interactive information system. The simplest way to perceive the form of public presentation of information about the local budget is to submit it in the form of enlarged blocks, which are gradually detailed using officially approved information. All budgetary data should be organized using “window in the window” principle. The scheme of interactive display of the local council decision on local budget and related documents is presented in the article. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine should approve methodological recommendations (or regulations) for local financial authorities, which would specify the main approaches to the organization of such online systems. The prerequisites for successful implementation of such a model are: stable budget classification with minimal changes from year to year; the return to the usage of full economic budget classification for all budget entities, including health care facilities; approving of combined local (regional) line programs (1 or 2 for each branch). Given the existence of structured online systems that reflect the planned budget allocations of the local budget for the relevant year, it’s much easier to connect performance indicators on local revenues and expenditures which are provided by the State Treasury of Ukraine. Due to the lack of specific data on local expenditures at the expense of intergovernmental transfers from the state budget (for example, educational, medical subventions and others), certain amendments to the rules of information exchange between local financial bodies and the State Treasury of Ukraine are to be made.

Keywords:local budget, planning, expenditures, regional program, intergovernmental transfer, budget program passport, development budget

JEL: H60, H61, H72

Yevtushenko M. . Problems of public presentation of information on approved local budgets / M. Yevtushenko // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2018. - № 3. - C. 80-91.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 80 - 91) DownloadDownloads :28
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