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№ 1/2018

№ 1/2018

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2018 (1): 19–32



1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5229-1290

Institutional modernization of architectonics of the national budget

The article considers the fundamental prerequisites necessary for the institutional modernization of Ukraine’s budget system and justifies requirements to its new architectonics, conceptual foundations of the necessity to form an effective institutional environment for the functioning of state and public finance in a market economy as an important internal source of financial provision for economic development. The author defines a formation strategy of a new institutional environment of the functioning budget system and its ideological foundations. It is proved that the process of modernization should be based on theories of social change, institutional reform, human capital, conflict self-control, dependence, and revolution. The article considers modern modernization of the budget system and assesses the transformational changes in the institutional architectonics of the budget system formed on the concept of the Budget Code of Ukraine (2010) from the position of effort (work) aimed at overcoming the accumulated backlog in the formation of its institutional environment and implementing the best national and foreign models, as well as from the point of period (time) during which this work is carried out. The author highlights major limiting factors which slowed the ascent of the general political culture of the budget process participants, the main causes of the inefficient implementation of reforms in the budget system. It is noted that uncertainty and unpredictability that accompanied the process of reforming Ukraine’s budget system were the main reason for its inefficiency. This situation decreases the level of knowledge about the environment and its potential opportunities that depresses economic growth as such. The author systematizes the basic theoretical concepts of reforming the institutional environment and the institutional structure of the budget system and determines the nature of its institutional components specific for its institutional architectonics. The model of interaction between civil society and the fundamental principles of the European budgetary system is analyzed. Conclusions are made regarding the consequences of incomplete reforms, which created opportunities for the useful operation of a particular institutional regime in the institutional architectonics of the budget system.

Keywords:institutional environment, institutional structure, institutional modernization, institutional architectonics, budget system, corporatism

JEL: Н61, Н69

Yukhymenko Y. . Institutional modernization of architectonics of the national budget / Y. Yukhymenko // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2018. - № 1. - C. 19-32.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 19 - 32) DownloadDownloads :68
Article original in English (pp. 19 - 32) DownloadDownloads :63
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