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№ 2/2015

№ 2/2015

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2015 (2): 137–148



1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3994-280X

Approaches to the evaluation of competitiveness of machine building industry’ companies

The problem of the competitiveness of enterprises is one of the acute at the present stage of the Ukrainian economy development. Its low level is one of the reasons for the economic and social problems of the country. However, before addressing the issues of competitiveness, it is necessary to assess its level that can be done by determining how effectively enterprise’s resources are being used in the comparison with the similar enterprises. The article discusses issues related to the assessment of the degree of efficiency of the enterprises as a component of their competitiveness. To this end, it is proposed the use of operations research techniques (DEA) and heuristic approaches. The DEA method is based on a comparison of data on resources (inputs) and results of the company (outputs) and the identification of companies-leaders and companies-outsiders in terms of the efficient use of available resources. Quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness involves using of weights, which makes it possible to abstract from the units of measures of resources and products and thus to analyze and compare objects together. The obtained results give grounds to determine the degree of ineffectiveness of companies-outsiders’ functioning and to make decisions concerning measures to improve production efficiency. The heuristic approach to solving the problem of assessing the degree of efficiency of the enterprises on the basis of calculation and comparison of the relative performance of industrial resources use allows us to complement the results obtained by DEA. Both methods are used to assess the efficiency of the machine-building enterprises of the Donetsk region.

Keywords:competitiveness, efficiency, DEA method, decision-making units, linear programming model, the efficiency frontier, enterprises of coal machine building.

JEL: С21, С31, С32, L64.

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